Come and enter the realm of Eliza Crown,
the soldier, and commander,
who travels far and wide,
who´s been through hell and back,
and who calls almost any universe out there her home.

Main Portrayal

Basic Information
Species: Human
Sex: She/ Her
Age: 26+
Height/ Weight: 5'8 lbs/ 174cm - 154lb / 85kg
Body Type: tall, muscular and built for a woman
Hair Color: Snow White
Eye Color: Onyx/ Black
Sexuality: Straight

Eliza has a high body strength, even if her form doesn´t give it away in instant.
She sometimes likes to act as the weak, innocent maiden in need, though. Just for fun.
Eliza is very aloof and shy when she meets new people.
She´s mostly repellent towards others, trying to avoid friendships or closer contacts at all costs.
Below her harsh, cruel, and stern shell, she´s an emotional, loving, and caring woman, who wants nothing more but to know how it feels to be loved.Due to her attitude, she has very few friends.
No one would guess that Eliza is VERY easy to fluster, and very shy when it comes to men, love, or even sex.
She´s very anxious that someone will find out about her horrible past and judge her for it, or pity her. Eliza suffers from PTSD, which causes her horrible nightmares and restless sleep. Only through taking hard drugs, she can find peaceful sleep.


Born with a rare genetical defect that makes her hair grow as white as snow and with eyes as black like a raven's feather, she was her mother's precious, little snowflake, but as so often, Fate had different plans. Eliza was on her own since she could think. She might´ve had a loving family once, but that was long over.The day after Eliza turned 6 years old, she found a little note on the kitchen table that would change her entire life.
Her mom had left, abandoned her, and just this little note was left, a note that said that her mom was sorry, but she couldn´t stay, that she couldn´t bear it any longer and that Eliza should not look for her, for she´ll never come back.
With these few words, Eliza's world shattered into pieces, but it also broke her father to his marrow.
What Eliza did not know until that day was, that her father used to beat her mother.
She never told Eliza about this and never showed any signs of the abuse, anything for protecting her child from enduring the same fate.
Since that day, Eliza saw her father from a whole new side.
The first time she got hit was so deeply etched into her brain stem that it was the most painful memory existing.
For over 10 years, this pain and torment would be her daily companion. Physically and emotionally abused by the one who´s actually meant to love and protect her.
In his daily state of drunken torpor, she was beaten and hurt so bad and often, that there were days when Eliza just laid on the ground whimpering, begging for someone to help or to rescue her, but no one came.
With the years, his hatred towards his own daughter grew until he reached a state where all he saw was nothing but an abomination and a whore that he could use to bring money home.
Even if Eliza pleaded that this wasn't true, he wouldn't believe her. All that came in return were his fists flying towards her face, how his feet would kick her ribs, her stomach, forcing her to the ground as he would tower over her, while speaking his toxic words:

"You´re weak. You´re a failure, an abomination. No one´s ever going to love you. You´re just like your mother. Nothing but a worthless slut! And I'm going to make sure everyone knows."

Long years passed by in which Eliza was too terrified to flee, the promise of her father to kill her when she should try always making sure that she will come home.
On the day of her 18 birthday, she finally gathered enough courage to call the police and they arrested her father without hesitation. From then, she left her former home and never returned. She joined the military school and trained harder than everyone else, determined to become stronger than ever before, for she never wanted to be the weak one again that gets beaten down.
The years of abuse had left both her body and soul heavily scarred, the toxic words always lingering in the back of her mind that no one will ever love her.
Deeply afraid of that, she shut herself away from everyone, didn't let anyone near enough to risk getting betrayed like that ever again.
She believed that no one would ever come close enough to mend her broken heart to know the true Eliza; that she´s actually a loving, caring and compassionate person, always seeking harmony and peace instead of war, but her emotionless and repellent mask became her daily face.
Eliza climbed ranks inside the military very fast due to her exceptional skills and her strength that even filled the high-ranked officers and commanders with deep respect.
After ten years of serving, she earned the rank of Colonel, with more than 3,000 soldiers under her command, she finally found a new purpose: To keep her men safe and alive, even though they don´t like her and even if they would never get to know her for real, she still cares deeply for them.

About lewd RP...

- N/SFW (Lewd in DMs only, semi-lewd on TL)
- Multiship with chemistry
- detailed and literate
- Open to all verses and muses (furry, anthro, half-breeds, humans, aliens ect.)
Eliza is 100% straight.She´s 90% sub, and 10% dom, and will only show her slighter dominant side to the one she absolutely trusts and loves.She is very shy and insecure when it comes to love, sex and men. Eliza is, despite that, very caring and has a tender soul, which wants nothing more but to know and feel what it´s like to be loved, how it feels to get touched, how it feels to be desired. Eliza is very insecure about her look, even if she has a pretty face, her body is heavily scarred because of her father´s abuse. Her future partner has to be patient and caring, show her kindness and let her know that he really cares for her and not just about the trinket between her legs.IMPORTANT!
If you desire to write lewd with me, ALWAYS have in mind that this is something that has to be earned through a story-driven RPG. Don´t jump into my DM´s and ask for lewd right away. I only do lewd with RP-partners I have really good chemistry with.

Genshin Impact

Basic Information
Species: Human
Sex: She/ Her
Age: 26+
Height/ Weight: 5'8 lbs/ 174cm - 154lb / 85kg
Body Type: tall, muscular and built for a woman
Hair Color: Snow White
Eye Color: Onyx/ Black
Sexuality: Straight

Eliza has a high body strength, even if her form doesn´t give it away in instant.
She sometimes likes to act as the weak, innocent maiden in need, though. Just for fun.
Eliza is very aloof and shy when she meets new people.
She´s mostly repellent towards others, trying to avoid friendships or closer contacts at all costs.
Below her harsh, cruel, and stern shell, she´s an emotional, loving, and caring woman, who wants nothing more but to know how it feels to be loved.Due to her attitude, she has very few friends.
No one would guess that Eliza is VERY easy to fluster, and very shy when it comes to men, love, or even sex.
She´s very anxious that someone will find out about her horrible past and judge her for it, or pity her. Eliza suffers from PTSD, which causes her horrible nightmares and restless sleep. Only through taking hard drugs, she can find peaceful sleep.

❥ Region: Inazuma

❥ Weapon: Sword

❥ Birthday: 30th January

❥ Vision: Electro

❥ Special Dish: Daily Hero (Katsudon)

❥ Constellation: Nivis pluma

Eliza "Liz" Crown - Lore

Originally born in Snezhnaya as the only daughter of her parents, she was forced to flee from her home when she was barely one year old.
Due to a severe crime, her parents were involved in, they had no other choice but to take everything they could to escape from the frozen lands they used to call their home in the middle of the night.
During a raging blizzard, the family of three ran through the frozen wilds of Snezhnaya, with the Fatui already on their heels, sent after them by the Tsaritsa to retrieve what was stolen by them.That fateful night, Eliza lost her mom.
Captured and killed by the Fatui, her father continued their escape towards Inazuma, where it´s almost impossible for strangers, and even more difficult for the Fatui, to set a foot onto the group of islands.
Until today, Eliza has no idea under which circumstances her mother died, or why.
Left about all this completely in the dark, all she was ever told by her father was:
"It´s your fault!"
Her father blamed it all on Eliza, especially the loss of his beloved wife. This loss had slowly but surely caused him to lose his mind over the years until there was nothing left inside of him, but rage.When Eliza turned 12, he´d beat her for the first time. The first time of many more. His punches and kicks against his own daughter grew stronger and crueler with each passing year until Eliza had a body as heavily scarred as her soul.Betrayed by the one who was actually meant to love and protect her, she fled from her father at the age of 16, finding shelter and a new purpose in Inazuma City in the Tenryou Commission.Starting her career there as a simple recruit for the commission, she trained harder than anyone else, quickly serving and fighting her way up in ranks with the years, Eliza has reached the rank as a General at the age of 23. During this time, Eliza also managed to gain the Shogun Raiden´s goodwill and earn herself an Electro Vision.Long before the Vision Hunting Decree took place, Eliza learned early that the Shogun was not easy to be around, but always tried her best to serve her and the Commission.Though...Eliza had a very strong moral compass, and couldn´t handle how most people that are not native to Inazuma are treated.
Eliza always talked back or questioned her superior's orders when something wasn´t to her like, and that brought her little to no friends inside the commission.
After another year, Eliza senses that something big was coming...
Something that was going to shake up Inazuma to its very foundations.
Sensing this, and that Eliza won´t be able to fight it or that she might not be able to withstand what´s coming, she left the Tenryou Commission AND Inazuma.
She packed all of her little belongings, took the next ship that was leaving the islands, and with that, a long, long journey through all of Teyvat began for Eliza.Over five long years did she travel into every corner Teyvat has to offer, continuously training, sharpening, and perfecting her skills with the blade and her electro powers.But during all this time, she always had the Fatui at her heels. For reasons unbeknownst to her, they want her dead and her head on a silver platter for the Tsarista.

All she could do was avoid running into the Fatui, or fighting if things would go down bad.By the time she would return to Inazuma, Eliza would learn about the Vision Hunting Decree, how it began, how it ended, and what all happened while she was gone. And most importantly: How quickly and easily Eliza was replaced by Kujou Sara as the new General.Will she continue her journey through the world? Or fight her way back into the Commission to reclaim what was once hers?


Proceed to read at your own risk.
Here will be explained WHY Eliza Crown is hunted by the Fatui.
If you rather prefer to find out during a story-driven RPG with her, then pls leave if you don´t want to ruin the surprise ~

Eliza was too young, still a baby, to know what happened during the great escape of her parents from Snezhnaya.
And she will never find out the true reason until Eliza would stand before the Tsarista, eye to eye.
In the night when her mother died, captured and killed by the Fatui, Eliza inherited a precious trinket, which she was given together with a last kiss on her forehead by her loving mom: A silver locked with a snowflake.

With this locket as the last and only memento of her mom, Eliza was always treasuring and keeping it close like the ball of her eye.
It couldn´t be opened by her, nor any other goldsmith or jeweler she brought it to.
What she didn´t know, though, because whether her father nor any other person had ever told her, was that this locket was a part of the Tsaristas crown treasure!But not just any regular piece.The locket, enchanted to never open until the Tsarista herself would hold it in her hands, bears and carries a part of the Cryo Archons' power, securely stored and locked away and hidden from the world.Should the day of another Archon War come, with all other Gnosis collected and in her hands, and the Tsarista should need all her power, and way more beyond that, she´d need this locket back as well, to assure she´ll be the only one strong enough to survive and rule!

League of Legends

Basic Information
Species: Human
Sex: She/ Her
Age: 25+
Height/ Weight: 5'8 lbs/ 174cm - 154lb / 85kg
Body Type: tall, muscular and built for a woman
Hair Color: Snow White
Eye Color: Onyx/ Black
Sexuality: Straight

Eliza has a high body strength, even if her form doesn´t give it away in instant.
She sometimes likes to act as the weak, innocent maiden in need, though. Just for fun.
Eliza is very aloof and shy when she meets new people.
She´s mostly repellent towards others, trying to avoid friendships or closer contacts at all costs.
Below her harsh, cruel, and stern shell, she´s an emotional, loving, and caring woman, who wants nothing more but to know how it feels to be loved.Due to her attitude, she has very few friends.
No one would guess that Eliza is VERY easy to fluster, and very shy when it comes to men, love, or even sex.
She´s very anxious that someone will find out about her horrible past and judge her for it, or pity her. Eliza suffers from PTSD, which causes her horrible nightmares and restless sleep. Only through taking hard drugs, she can find peaceful sleep.

Eliza Crown aka Lady Ice

In the icy-cold north of Freljord, in the village of Quchar, Eliza was born as the only child of her parents, but from the moment she took her first breath, her life was meant to be painful and filled with hardships.
Her tribe's shaman, and old, superstitious woman, foretold that Eliza will be born during a blood moon, a bad omen.
On the same fateful night, Eliza's mother died a mysterious death after giving birth to her.
Since then, it was for everyone in the tribe confirmed that Eliza was a bringer of misfortune. Her father left heartbroken upon the sudden death of his beloved wife, yet bound to his fatherly tasks to raise his own flesh and blood, unwillingly accepted Eliza as his daughter.
Rejected from her own tribe, unloved and despised by her own father, Eliza grew up living a lonely life. When the tribe´s other kids weren´t throwing stones at her for amusement, Eliza could be mostly found in the snowy mountains, hunting or practicing her survival and combat skills.
She learned only through watching and copying from other hunters, and with the years, she refined what she´d learned into her very own style.
As the only person in the village, she taught herself to fight dual-bladed and use a mighty bow for far-range combat. At the age of 17, she was old enough to participate legally in the tribe's rituals to become part of it and an adult, but while the citizens welcomed her to try and prove her worth, the shaman shunned her in front of everyone, calling her a bringer of misfortune, a bad omen and a demon that killed her own mother during her birth.
In a fit of rage, Eliza shot an arrow directly into the shaman's heart to silence her sinister, toxic voice forever.
With that, though, Eliza committed a horrible crime and was left with a choice, either she should be sent into the mountains without weapons and food, to let the spirits of Freljord decide her fate, or she can leave the tribe on her own as an exiled and never return.Eliza chose the latter.With nothing but her weapons and a few clothes, Eliza left the village in the north and traveled across the mountains, through blizzards and snow storms until she reached the frozen tundra of Frostheld. From there, she started her career as a mercenary, and assassin for hire.Traveling across the land, far beyond the borders of her land of birth, she made herself a name as the "Icy Lady of the mountains" which was soon shortened to "Lady Ice".
Though she never aimed to claim titles, she found this one fitting for her.
And that, she shall be. A ruthless warrior, fighter, and killer, cold as ice and merciless like the biting cold of Freljord itself.
No one was safe from her arrow or blade.No one.

Honkai: Star Rail

Basic Information
Species: Human
Sex: She/ Her
Age: 25+
Height/ Weight: 5'8 lbs/ 174cm - 154lb / 85kg
Body Type: tall, muscular and built for a woman
Hair Color: Snow White
Eye Color: Onyx/ Black
Sexuality: Straight

Eliza has a high body strength, even if her form doesn´t give it away in instant.
She sometimes likes to act as the weak, innocent maiden in need, though. Just for fun.
Eliza is very aloof and shy when she meets new people.
She´s mostly repellent towards others, trying to avoid friendships or closer contacts at all costs.
Below her harsh, cruel, and stern shell, she´s an emotional, loving, and caring woman, who wants nothing more but to know how it feels to be loved.Due to her attitude, she has very few friends.
No one would guess that Eliza is VERY easy to fluster, and very shy when it comes to men, love, or even sex.
She´s very anxious that someone will find out about her horrible past and judge her for it, or pity her. Eliza suffers from PTSD, which causes her horrible nightmares and restless sleep. Only through taking hard drugs, she can find peaceful sleep.

❥ Region: Belobog

❥ Weapon: Twin-guns

❥ Element: Lightning

❥ Path: The Hunt

❥ Birthday: 30th January

Eliza Crown

In Belobog, on the planet Jarilo-VI, Eliza was worn as the only daughter of a lesser noble family, the family Crown.Due to a mysterious sickness, which seemed to have a connection to the Fragmentum, Eliza´s mother died an early death when she was still a little girl.
Unfortunately, her father couldn´t bear the loss of his beloved wife and began to lose his mind over it.
To the point where he couldn´t differ friend from foe anymore, and began to lay hand on his only daughter.
Retreating from most of his official duties as a nobleman, he left all matters to his steward.
When Eliza turned 12, he´d beat her for the first time. The first time of many more. His punches and kicks against his own daughter grew stronger and crueler with each passing year until Eliza had a body as heavily scarred as her soul.
All attendants and servants in the mansion knew what the "Lord" was doing to his daughter, but no one dared to speak up, too afraid to be the next one to get beaten up.
All they did was to help and aid the young Eliza as best as they could, and for many years, this was all their daily, dark routines.
Betrayed by the one who was actually meant to love and protect her, she sought a way to escape her situation and found it by joining the Silvermane Guards at the age of 15.
Starting her career there as a simple recruit, she trained harder than anyone else, quickly serving and fighting her way up in ranks with the years. Eliza reached the rank of Lieutenant at the age of 18. The constant fights in and around Belobog against the Fragmentum and its monsters caused more and more of her comrades and soldiers to die in the freezing cold.Eliza had a very strong moral compass, and couldn´t understand a lot of the Supreme Guardian Cocolia´s decisions and orders.
She questioned her orders more than once, but the absolute overkill was when she decided to retreat all Silvermane Guards from the Underworld and cut it off from the upper city of Belobog entirely.
Eliza´s affinity to go against such orders brought her little to no friends inside the army.
Three years after that, the constant fighting against the Fragmentum, the memory of her deceased mother always lingered in the back of her mind, and how her mysterious sickness was tied to it.
Behind the scenes, hidden from the public and prying eyes, Eliza did a lot of research of her own.
About the Fragmentum, the Eternal Freeze, the monsters...Everything.
Months turned into years, without an answer to be found, until she stumbled upon something new: The Stellaron.
Another mysterious addition to her private research, and another thing that stood in context with the Fragmentum.
However: Before Eliza could find out more, one night, dozens of Silvermane Guards stormed her apartment, confiscated all her hardly-gained research, and arrested her.
The accusation: high treason against Belobog, its citizens, and the Supreme Guardian.
Without a fair trial, the punishment was enforced right away: Death.
Shocked and devastated upon being betrayed like that again; from the people she used to trust the most, she didn´t fight back when they brought her away in chains. Not even the soldiers closest to her, or Gepard, her adored Captain, did anything for her.
In the "official" reports, it stood that Eliza was executed, but in fact, she ended up exiled in the Underworld, without a weapon, any of her insignias, or money.
Only thanks to her great fighting skills, she managed to survive down there, and make some "connections" over the next years.
Eliza mostly remained alone, rarely working with others until absolutely necessary. A secret alliance with "Wildfire" helped her to gain a lot of respect and equipment in exchange for lending her strength by fighting for them whenever its needed.
Or when Dr. Natasha needed certain materials and medical supplies to be procured.
This continued for 7 long years where everyone in the Upper world thought of the former Lieutenant Eliza Crown as dead.
That was, until a small group of outsiders would appear, to change the fate of Belobog, and Eliza´s own, forever.

Attack on Titan

Basic Information
Species: Human
Sex: She/ Her
Age: 26+
Height/ Weight: 5'8 lbs/ 174cm - 154lb / 85kg
Body Type: tall, muscular and built for a woman
Hair Color: Snow White
Eye Color: Onyx/ Black
Sexuality: Straight

Eliza has a high body strength, even if her form doesn´t give it away in instant.
She sometimes likes to act as the weak, innocent maiden in need, though. Just for fun.
Eliza is very aloof and shy when she meets new people.
She´s mostly repellent towards others, trying to avoid friendships or closer contacts at all costs.
Below her harsh, cruel, and stern shell, she´s an emotional, loving, and caring woman, who wants nothing more but to know how it feels to be loved.Due to her attitude, she has very few friends.
No one would guess that Eliza is VERY easy to fluster, and very shy when it comes to men, love, or even sex.
She´s very anxious that someone will find out about her horrible past and judge her for it, or pity her. Eliza suffers from PTSD, which causes her horrible nightmares and restless sleep. Only through taking hard drugs, she can find peaceful sleep.

Pre-Timeskip portrayal - Post-Timeskip only after discussing in DMs

Eliza Crown, or Elizabeth Cruser originally, was born and raised in Mitras, the royal capital of the Walls.Eliza was born with a rare genetical defect, causing her hair to grow as white as snow and with eyes as black as the night, and with skin so milky and perfect, that she was seen as a rare and precious jewel by her parents, something that must be protected and locked up at any cost.
Being secluded since she was a child, the servants inside the big mansion she grew up in, were the only people she considered her true family.
Eliza's parents were barely there for her, left her education to private teachers or to specially selected servants to make sure no "unworthy" people will lay a hand on their rare jewel.
But it were these selected individuals who taught Eliza to think wider and farther than just for her own sake and good. She learned from the servants to treat other people with respect, according to Human Rights, no matter their origin or way of living, and to judge accordingly between Right and Wrong.When she turned 14, Elizabeth´s parents began to take her out for balls and gatherings, but not for fun, which learned the young woman very fast.
To show off with their "pretty jewel", this was their way to search for a possible and advantageous match for their daughter, an arranged marriage. But young, little Eliza knew already that she wanted to marry out of love, so she rejected every male candidate her parents presented to her. For months and years.
At the age of 17, when she was almost raped by another of those chosen candidates, Eliza decided she had enough. Once and for all. This life wasn´t meant for her and she hated living in a golden bird cage. She sought freedom, of making decisions on her own and to live her life the way she wants, not how others expected it from her. She packed together what she could, left a goodbye letter where she wrote that she committed suicide, and she fled from her parents and home, to never look or come back ever again.
She found shelter and a temporary home with an old lady in Wall Rose, in Caranese, and as soon as she turned 18, she joined the Cadet School with the wish to help humanity gain back its pride and land from the Titans, and also to make a difference, no matter how little it was.
She graduated 3 years later with exceptional and outstanding skills, ranked as number one of the ten best, but she chose the Scouting Legion for her, to be as far away from Mitras and Wall Sheena as possible.
Being part of the Scouts for over 6 years by now, she climbed ranks and built a reputation of being a ruthless, yet supportive and affable person, holding currently the position of a lieutenant due to her exceptional skills.There was only one big flaw in Eliza: She has a very repellent, aloof, and bitchy attitude.
Not by nature, but by choice. Too big was the shame about her true origin and too big was the fear to be dragged and forced back there once her parents find out that she was still alive, that she allows no one to come close enough to find out about her true colors.
But even if she prefers to work alone, she knows very well that outside of the Walls there´s no such thing existing as "loners".
Fulfilling her role as leader and officer, she will always try her best to make sure that the ones under her command will make it back alive and safe.
The years of lonely training, punching and kicking logs, punching bags, and flying alone through the trees and between buildings with the 3D maneuvering year, made her reach a level where she´s close to claiming the title of "Humanities Third strongest Soldier", right behind Squad Leader Mike and Captain Levi. Even if she had never any intentions to claim titles, it indeed did flatter her that people think if her that highly.After the reclaim of Wall Maria, she was promoted to Squad Leader, but she hasn´t decided yet if she should accept this.